Aus dem Klappentext: „This is a record of Doris Lessing’s visit to Afghanistan during its war with Soviet Russia in the eighties.“
Mahringer Literaturverzeichnis: 40
Autor: Doris, Lessing
Titel: Der Wind verweht unsere Worte
Erscheinungsjahr: 1987 (Alter 30 Jahre)
Genre: Sachbuch – Travel
Anzahl der Verweise im Gutachten: 0
This is a record of Doris Lessing’s visit to Afghanistan during its war with Soviet Russia in the eighties. At this time the Afghans felt they were getting little help from the West and they couldn’t understand why, as even without modern arms they were still confounding and containing the Russians. They felt they could easily beat them with moderate help. The book also records the toughness, equability and resourcefulness of the men and the suffering of their families. It registers with sadness the damage the war was doing to their country and the apprehension of many Afghans that the end of the war would bring dissension between tribes and sectors of the community. Already religious differences were causing conflict, although it was noted the fundamentalists were the fiercest fighters.