Und wem all das zu modern erscheint, für den gibt es ja immer noch “Road to Oxiana” aus dem Jahr 1937. Das Buch wird von Wiki als “travelogue” bezeichnet und ist ein Klassiker der englischen Reiseliteratur – ein “must-read”, auch wenn es zur aktuellen Situation in Afghanistan leider recht wenig beitragen kann.
Übrigens, Herr Mahringer hat sich in der Literaturangabe etwas vertan und 2004 angegeben. Hoppala!

Mahringer Literaturverzeichnis: 26
Autor: Byron, Robert
Titel: Road to Oxiana
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
tatsächlich 1937 erschienen (Alter 80 Jahre)
Genre: Reiseerzählung aus 1937
Anzahl der Verweise im Gutachten: 0
Links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_to_Oxiana
The Road to Oxiana is a travelogue by Robert Byron, first published in 1937. It is considered by many modern travel writers to be the first example of great travel writing. The word „Oxiana“ in the title refers to the region along Afghanistan’s northern border.
The book is an account of Byron’s ten-month journey to the Middle East in 1933–34, initially in the company of Christopher Sykes. It is in the form of a diary with the first entry „Venice, 20 August 1933“ after which Byron travelled by ship to the island of Cyprus and then on to the then countries of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia and Afghanistan. The journey ended in Peshawar, India (now part of Pakistan) on 19 June 1934, from where he returned to England.
The primary purpose of the journey was to visit the region’s architectural treasures of which Byron had an extensive knowledge, as evidenced by his observations along the way. For example, he says of the Mosque of Sheikh Lutfullah, now listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO:
“ I have never encountered splendour of this kind before. Other interiors came into my mind as I stood there, to compare it with: Versailles, or the porcelain rooms at Schönbrunn, or the Doge’s Palace, or St Peter’s. All are rich; but none so rich. Their richness is three-dimensional; it is attended by all the effort of shadow: In the Mosque of Sheikh Lutfullah, it is a richness of light and surface, of pattern and colour only. The architectural form is unimportant. It is not smothered, as in rococo; it is simply the instrument of a spectacle, as earth is the instrument of a garden. And then I suddenly thought of that unfortunate species, modern interior decorators, who imagine they can make a restaurant, or a cinema, or a plutocrat’s drawing-room look rich if given money enough for gold leaf and looking-glass. They little know what amateurs they are. Nor, alas, do their clients.[1] ”
Byron interacted with the locals and negotiated transport, including motor vehicles, horses and asses to carry him on his journey. He encountered heat, cold, hunger and thirst and suffered the inconvenience of bugs, fleas, lice and physical illness.
Writer Paul Fussell wrote[2] that The Road to Oxiana is to the travel book what „Ulysses is to the novel between the wars, and what The Waste Land is to poetry.“
Travel writer Bruce Chatwin in his introduction to the book has described it as „a sacred text, beyond criticism,“ [3] and carried his copy since he was fifteen years old, „spineless and floodstained“ after four journeys through central Asia.